Monday, September 30, 2013

Its been a while...

but here are a few more pics from Trini...on the road to the beach, there is a spot where you can lookout.  So, we did...driver pulled over, we got out and got a pic...this pic does no justice, I must find a better one :)
 You can't leave Trinidad without visiting Maracas Beach on a Sunday.  Now, this was our 1st Sunday in Trini...determined to get to the there, and it rained...oh made the water nice! :) We found sand dollars in the water...pretty cool... will find that pic and post later ;)
 A lil area across the street from the beach...thought it was nice...easy goin :)

 Now, if u are at HAVE to TRY the Bake & Shark!  This is the line for Richards..they say it's the best on the beach!  I would have to agree :) oh gosh!
 Our last day of class, we did the Caribbean Dance class with Chris her at Macqueripe!  It has changed a bit since I was here last.  I don't recall paying for parking, but oh well...
 The view before you go down to the water...beau-ti-ful!!! :)
This sign definitely was not here...because this is where I first had mango chow...this time, no vendors :(

Still on the road (by foot) to the beach.

 After the program was over, I stayed one extra day (cheaper to fly)..was supposed to go to Tobago, but that didn't quite work out so's okay, because I got a chance to visit Las Cuevas...thats on the other side of Maracas!  Much quieter :)
 On my way down to the beach, after paying to use the flippin' bathroom...oh gossssh!  The view changed my attitude :)


 Betcha wondering...what the heck?!  Remember the green thing that I said was an almond?  This is the almond on the last turned brown :)

 A peek at the money...TT $40TT is about $6.67 US

last look at Maracas! 
Until the next post...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 1 Continued

So we are on Cascade Main Road, driving past the place we stayed two years ago looking for my home for the next two weeks.  Looking for Springbank...and there it is..we make a left and up up up the hils...looking for our house...the numbers were a lil funky, but when I saw this place, I said YES!  This is it! I love it!
 Then we saw the # of the house...womp womp!  Not my we drive up some more, and clearly we must have past the house. We turn back around lookin' for the place, and my brother saw one of the coordinators for the program.  It was right across from the house I thought it was...
Not bad.  Inside was nicer! As a matter of fact, the view was delicious! Check it out! 

 On  the right (you can see from the top of the picture) there was a coconut tree. One of the guys was supposed to climb the tree to get a coconut...not sure if he did, but there was always one on the table.  One of the dancers was always up early and sitting outside (sheesh she was always one of the 1st to wake up)...gettin' that mornin' view. How many mornin' views did I get? LOL! On my way out the door :)

This was what we saw from the backyard.  On the left there was a tree (don't remember the name, but the leaves had a smell when u u could cook w/ it) day, "24 mother fn parrots came outta da tree" LOL!  Thats what I hear from my room (on the 2nd floor), and came runnin' downstairs to see...24 parrots flyin around.  Who knew those jokers were in there?  Ha!  One day we saw a green macaw flying near the house...don't know what that is...there's this thing called images if you don't want to read.  Anywho, pretty birds were everywhere.    But enough about the house...I met the dancers, dropped my bags and hit the road with Clinton & John.  
Wait!  I almost forgot to mention that everyone seemed to have mango trees.  When I got to my room, I saw this on my bed...aww! That was a nice gesture! Thanks Brittany!  On our way down the hill we saw so many mangos just on the road...the ground...FREE for the pickin' and here we are paying $1 for one...oh gosh! :)
We headed to Chaguaramas to the Boardwalk to unload toys.  Did I tell y'all my brother in law is a vendor?  I thought the sky was beautiful.  Anywhoo, the sand and water are across the street...

 Right passed the police station (green building) and the snow cone man.  Kids and adults enjoyed the water and short area of sand.  Music playing in the parking lot (thats where I was).  I mean the people had their vans and cars blastin' music, dancin', eatin, drinkin...LIMIN'! :) A chill spot...then it got dark...
 I went walkin' down the boardwalk.  It was nice...a cool spot, u can't see, but people were still in the water...drinkin', dancin', eatin', limin' :)  I enjoyed myself.  There were these things all over the ground...

Know what they are?  ALMONDS...I was like, yeah right.  More FREE food!  All of this talk of walkin' and seeing food had me a lil' hungry...I don't know why I didn't take a picture, but I tried corn soup for the first time on the side of the road at the boardwalk.  It was actually more tasty than I thought.  It had does everything in Trini!...:)  I never understood why soup in the heat, but it was actually good.  Glad I tried it.  Oh and cranberry water...that was good too :)...
We leave the Boardwalk and head back over to the Ice Cream Fete (Sunday Fest at the Stadium).  We passed by earlier, but it was rained out...glad we went when we did, b/c people were now leaving, it was dark and easier to sell the light up toys.  The pic u see is of the moko jumbies...these were kids on stilts.  They were dancing and walking around the stadium.  There were ice cream eating contests, and ice cream games, a bull riding area, free samples of food/cake...I tried Trini fruit cake...YUMMMMMYYYY!!! They were giving out free ice cream, ice lollies (ha! That's what they call icees)...good times...of course...FREE dessert! :) We drove around for a few, went on the ave. (Ariapita Ave.) Had Doubles for the first time...YUM! Well that was after burning my lips off tasting the roast pepper...OH GOOOOOSH!!! That was fire!  But after I got over that heat, I had one without the roast pepper...and it was delish (& less than $1US)!  Part of me wanted to just hang out and go back out to Coco Lounge for Reggae Sundays, but I didn't feel like getting dressed.  So, back to the house I went...and hung out w/ the other dancers...they so crazy :) My roomie, Alexis, had us crackin' up...she was videotaping everyone's "dance for your life" (like SYTYCD)...hilarity.  Spoke to my fellas at home, so I was good to go!  Good times...g'nite.. Let's see what I remember from day 2 :)

Friday, August 9, 2013

The first day

Okay, so I have a moment to let me get busy.
Here is the first picture I took fresh out of the airport (Piarco) Trinidad.
Yep, rain!  This time of year is rainy season, but it was all to the good...the temp was still hot :).  My brother in law, Clinton and his friend, John met me at the airport.  I knew the flight would get in about 1:40pm, but I told him 2:15 b/c he is always on time...well early.  :)  That way, he didn't have to wait long for me to go thru customs, change my $, or anything of the sorts.  I'm glad I did b/c when I came out of the airport I waited less than 5 min (and was able to take in the sights, sounds, and the air before getting in the car).   
As we leave the airport...notice the steering wheel is on the right hand side...ha!  I think I would be sooooo disoriented driving on that side of the car...and the road.  Anywhoo, we proceeded to leave the airport and search for food a newspaper (not Newsday), I think we were looking for the Guardian or Express...b/c some folks were boycotting Newsday b/c of politics...and, worldwide antics :)  They seemed to be sold out everywhere, so we needed to get somewhere quick b/c my stomach was scratchin' my back.  We stopped here:
Trincity Mall!
Notice the, I did not eat there.  We ate at the food court...dont remember the name of the place, but they served real food like stewed chicken, rice, macaroni pie, salad, but on a line like you would get from Asian Express at the mall.  Now, I've said it before, if you are looking for superior customer service, don't look for it in Trinidad :).  The girl serving the food looked at me like I had 4 heads coming from my neck.  I had to make light of the situation and ask her if she was okay...that's when she actually cracked a smile and told me she was tired.  I started to take a picture of her and the name of the place to put them on blast, but I was playin' nice.  I was only in Trini for easy Mick.  Food was aight...nothing to write home about, but it did hit the spot.  Off we go...

Stopping here...for now...shall return soon :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!!

Okay, I know I know...I was supposed to blog while in Trinidad!  I tried...unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time), blogger would not allow me to access my page.  It was "suspicious" that I was logging in from Trinidad, and the only way that I could get access was to get a code via text...or a phone a phone that was not working in TnT...shout out to MetroPCS.  So I call myself being smart...ok, send the code to my phone, and I would get it by voicemail...HA! no cigar.  I called my voicemail, only to have the tail end of the message (not including the code).  Joy!  Its okay, it was probably by design.  So, its good that it stopped suspicious login, but sucked b/c it was ME!!! I wanted to login.  Anywho...The other dancers that were there began tagging me in photos and stuff to my FB page (no, not the Mickie Goes to Trinidad page, my personal FB page).  All good in the hood :)...I now have HW...well, lets just call it a project :) I have tons of pix this time...stories to tell...the good the bad and the crazy!!! :) Since school is starting on Wednesday, give me a few days...gotta get J-man ready for 2nd grade (oh gosh!)...really, I PROMISE I will post...& no, I will not break out into an impromptu dance for yall...that will happen during the event that I have planned for my sponsors/supporters (date to come after I get football schedule).

By the way, I never made it to the post office to send postcards...there were addresses for TTPOST (Trinidad and Tobago post office), but were not quite in the spot that it was supposed to be...hmmm :) oh worries.. I have postcard worthy pics for ya!  :)

Back on the work grind for me...soon holla!  Thanks again for your support!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More thanks

Only 3 days left!  AAAAAhhhh...still not much to little time :) I'll holla!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Oh gosh! Less than a week away...

In my best Trini voice...Oh goooosh! :)  In only six more days, I will be headed to Port of Spain, Trinidad for the New Waves Dance & Performance Summer institute.  Do I have everything yet? Nope. Am I packed? Heck to the naw!! But yall know, that's how I roll-lol.  Anywhoo, I will begin detailing the journey from today...:)

I love your enthusiasm for the fact that many of you are rootin' for me to take this trip.  It's like we are taking this trip together...y'all will see what I see, experience stuff as I experience...well not in the physical, but u know what I'm talking about.  I am open to new experiences...and places.  I have to keep that in mind this time when I'm like...this dance class is too deep for me-LOL.  Y'all know sometimes creative people can sometimes be too deep for my likings...or how I say too 'fruits n berries' for me...or sometimes, all I want to do is happy dancing, fun, energetic...drop it like it's when they ask me to add emotion, Im like...errr uhhh, so ummm...I don't feel anything...I hope to be open enough to (in my dancers voice)..feel the emotion ...oye...I will try!  We shall see...

With regards to many of  your concerns about who I'm going with or who I know...Y'all know I don't need a crew to act on anything...the Mickster likes to yap it up w/ new folks.  I will probably have a new saying or two by the time I reach back :).  Bottom line is this, I have always wanted to travel the world and dance...not on anyone's tour, but dance with the people...the people who live there, the people who visit...learn a new way of doing something, experience that place.  So that's the goal...document it, and bring it back to share with the people here. 

Oh wait, one more thing, I also want to be pushed beyond my comfort zone...b/c chileeee, right now, I'm a lazy lima bean...creative juices have left the New Waves better hook a sista up! ha ha...but don't really like kick my butt... ;) The journey begins...NOW!

waaaaiiiittt!!! I gotta get my shirt done this week, so if there are any more donations, please make them before wednesday... I have to send the names to add to my shirt.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Thanks everyone for your support.  Still counting down the days...