Monday, September 30, 2013

Its been a while...

but here are a few more pics from Trini...on the road to the beach, there is a spot where you can lookout.  So, we did...driver pulled over, we got out and got a pic...this pic does no justice, I must find a better one :)
 You can't leave Trinidad without visiting Maracas Beach on a Sunday.  Now, this was our 1st Sunday in Trini...determined to get to the there, and it rained...oh made the water nice! :) We found sand dollars in the water...pretty cool... will find that pic and post later ;)
 A lil area across the street from the beach...thought it was nice...easy goin :)

 Now, if u are at HAVE to TRY the Bake & Shark!  This is the line for Richards..they say it's the best on the beach!  I would have to agree :) oh gosh!
 Our last day of class, we did the Caribbean Dance class with Chris her at Macqueripe!  It has changed a bit since I was here last.  I don't recall paying for parking, but oh well...
 The view before you go down to the water...beau-ti-ful!!! :)
This sign definitely was not here...because this is where I first had mango chow...this time, no vendors :(

Still on the road (by foot) to the beach.

 After the program was over, I stayed one extra day (cheaper to fly)..was supposed to go to Tobago, but that didn't quite work out so's okay, because I got a chance to visit Las Cuevas...thats on the other side of Maracas!  Much quieter :)
 On my way down to the beach, after paying to use the flippin' bathroom...oh gossssh!  The view changed my attitude :)


 Betcha wondering...what the heck?!  Remember the green thing that I said was an almond?  This is the almond on the last turned brown :)

 A peek at the money...TT $40TT is about $6.67 US

last look at Maracas! 
Until the next post...

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