Monday, May 13, 2013

Fundraising efforts must get kicked up a notch!

Hola Mi Gente! 

So I have received my letter of when the balance is due for the program-May 18th...AHHHHH 
heart palpatations!!! KEEP CALM! You can do this!   
It just means I need to kick fundraising up a notch!  

Today is the official launch of the 50/50 Raffle Sales! 

$2 each Raffle Ticket

A 50/50 Raffle allows one lucky supporter (could be you) to win 50% of the raffle sales and the other 50% of the sales goes towards my fundraising efforts. If I raise $500 in raffle sales, you win $250 & $250 goes toward my trip. Simple, right? Feeling lucky? All you need is $2 and a dream!

How many tickets would you like? Increase your odds...the more you purchase, the greater your odds.  If you would like to participate and you do not live near me, you can use PayPal (see DONATE button on the right).   I will send your ticket numbers and if you are the winning ticket, the jackpot will be mailed or wired to you.  The drawing will be held May 31st during my Dance Workshop.

Any questions?  Feel free to leave a comment or email me

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