Friday, May 17, 2013

Up, Up, & Away we go!!!!

I made a payment to the New Waves! Summer Institute today!  Yahoo!  I am looking at flights now, and they are holding steady at $652RT (ouch!).  Im sure it will come down.  I have set up fare trackers to keep up with the flight rates.  My goal is to get it down to $550...fingers crossed :)

On another note..
This week has been great!  Thank everyone who pledged to make a donation:

Jene Watson
Shawn & Dawn Williams
Ameryllis Petway
Arnea King-Cross
Dionne & Dreama W.
Mechelle Fears

All of you ROCK!  Thank you!!

Raffle sales are underway...and I can't wait to see how much we raise!  If I haven't personally hit you up with my raffle sales pitch, don't worry, I will...had to get my son's Spring Party done...they had a BALL!!! I love my other class moms...we had over half the class parents donate AND we had 7 in class volunteers-HELLO!  Wait, I digress...

Be sure to stop by one (or both) 
of my fundraiser dance classes:

Sunday, May 26th 4:00pm-5:00pm
Friday, May 31st 7:30pm-8:30pm
(Grand Raffle Drawing 5/31)

@ Body Rock Fitness Studio
1025 Killian Hill Rd, Suite H
Lilburn, GA  30047

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