Friday, June 28, 2013

Still counting down...oh gosh!

Gotta check into Digicel to see if their SIM card is compatible w/ my cell carrier.  
hmm, what else should I be thinkin about?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hmmm, only 26 more days...One of my friends (actually a few of my overachieving friends :)) would probably be packed by now.  Me on the other hand...not so much.  I will start my list of things to pack today.  Maybe I should call University of Trinidad to see if they have a computer lab...hmm...that sounds like a master plan.  It's Tuesday, so @ 3pm I should look at the sale fares...oh, y'all didn't know that 3pm on a Tuesday is the best time to purchase a flight?  Now you know...either way, I have 26 days to be ready...Anyone need braids or twists?  I got you...for a small fee of course...What would you do to prepare for your international dance trip?  WWYD (what would you do)?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Time is flying...

Can you believe it?  Only 27 more days until I leave for Trinidad.  Please subscribe to this blog for updates when I reach (look on the right side and put in your email address).  In the meantime, let me tell y'all whats new. 

Over the weekend, I received my revised Welcome Packet from New Waves.  There will be an opening GALA, Classes will take place from 10-6pm daily, and  we will go to Tobago the first full weekend that we are there.  There will be a New Waves!Commission Project & Closing Event on the last day.  

Also, I got my renewed passport in the mail! Woo hoo! 

As I count down the days,  let me hear from you...
As a supporter, what do you expect me to see, do, find out, take a picture of for you...please comment on the blog, so that I can go back to it when I am there.  For example, I would love to see a picture of Mickie dancing in class or I would love to see a picture of Mickie eating get it..
comment as many times as you would like...

Monday, June 17, 2013