Monday, June 24, 2013

Time is flying...

Can you believe it?  Only 27 more days until I leave for Trinidad.  Please subscribe to this blog for updates when I reach (look on the right side and put in your email address).  In the meantime, let me tell y'all whats new. 

Over the weekend, I received my revised Welcome Packet from New Waves.  There will be an opening GALA, Classes will take place from 10-6pm daily, and  we will go to Tobago the first full weekend that we are there.  There will be a New Waves!Commission Project & Closing Event on the last day.  

Also, I got my renewed passport in the mail! Woo hoo! 

As I count down the days,  let me hear from you...
As a supporter, what do you expect me to see, do, find out, take a picture of for you...please comment on the blog, so that I can go back to it when I am there.  For example, I would love to see a picture of Mickie dancing in class or I would love to see a picture of Mickie eating get it..
comment as many times as you would like...


  1. I want to see pictures of Mickie doing all kinds of things,most importantly I want to see Mickie having FUN! I am so proud of you. :)

  2. Thx Dawn! :-)
    I will get those pix 4 u...wish u could go and vlog about it!
