Friday, May 31, 2013

And the winner is...

The winner of the 50/50 Raffle ($50) drawn tonite after the Fundraiser Dance Class.

What a great time we had tonite!  Thank you ladies for showing your support, while shakin' your groove thang! :)

Amy, Lisa, Milly, Arnea, Deborah, Kenya, Smooch, Tikenya, & Dawn were my DANCIN' DIVAS tonite!  

Tamara & Parri were my FAB PHOTOGRAPHERS!  

Kim & Jene were my Dancin' Divas on Sunday! You chicas Rock!

BillieJo, the owner and ZUMBA DIVA of Body Rock Fitness are the best! 

I TRULY appreciate all of your support!  
I MUST do the class more often.

Now, onto my other THANK YOU'S

Sleepy smurf signing off...g'nite ;)

Tonite's the nite!

Yuh Ready? Yeah, we ready...Tonite's the nite for my Fundraiser Dance Class...come get ya groove on, shake a tailfeather, shake ya bam bam, whatever you wanna call it...just make your way there! Body Rock Fitness Studio 1025 Killian Hill Rd.,Suite H (Drive around the back) 7:30pm!!! Hakuna Matata (no worries)...all levels welcome...and it is OKAY to march to the beat of your drum (b/c u know I do :) )

Monday, May 27, 2013

Let's Split the Pot!!!

When we were little, my sister and I met one of our cousins for the first was either Myrtle or Lettuce (yep, that's what I remember her name, if that was really her name, I don't know)  any who, at the end of the visit, she gave us $10.  She said, "y'all split this" what do you think we did?
Yep, we tore that $10 bill in half :) LOL!!!! That was the joke of the day...and the lesson learned at the same same time.

Would you like to split some money?!!!

As a fundraiser, I am conducting a 50/50 Raffle.  This means, ONE LUCKY WINNER will be able to split the proceeds of the raffle with me.  For example: I collect $100, the winner receives $50 and $50 goes toward my trip to Trinidad.  Easy!  The raffle drawing will be conducted after my

@Body Rock Fitness Studio
1025 Killian Hill Rd., Suite H
Lilburn, GA  30047
$10/per person

The more people who purchase a raffle, the higher the payout!  Would you like to increase your odds?

Keep in mind, you do not have to be present to win.  I will have someone video the drawing and post to this blog.  If you are across town or out of town you too can participate.  Just click on the donate button on the side of this blog. Once payment is received, I will write your name & telephone # on the ticket and enter it into the raffle drawing.  Please add 3.5% to cover the PayPal fees. Use this chart below to determine your donation amount:

# of Tickets    Amount to Donate
1                      $2.07
2                      $4.14
3                      $6.21
4                      $8.28
  5                      $10.35

Once the winner is determined, the money will be immediately distributed.  If you would prefer to just make a donation, you can do that using the same "DONATE" button on the side of this blog.  If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Thanks for your support!

Thanks Thanks & More Thanks!!!

This has been a busy week.  School is out, Carnival, Memorial Day Weekend, Fundraising!!! :)  I didn't get a chance to post, but I must say thanks to those who have contributed this week! 
 I really appreciate your continuous support!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Up, Up, & Away we go!!!!

I made a payment to the New Waves! Summer Institute today!  Yahoo!  I am looking at flights now, and they are holding steady at $652RT (ouch!).  Im sure it will come down.  I have set up fare trackers to keep up with the flight rates.  My goal is to get it down to $550...fingers crossed :)

On another note..
This week has been great!  Thank everyone who pledged to make a donation:

Jene Watson
Shawn & Dawn Williams
Ameryllis Petway
Arnea King-Cross
Dionne & Dreama W.
Mechelle Fears

All of you ROCK!  Thank you!!

Raffle sales are underway...and I can't wait to see how much we raise!  If I haven't personally hit you up with my raffle sales pitch, don't worry, I will...had to get my son's Spring Party done...they had a BALL!!! I love my other class moms...we had over half the class parents donate AND we had 7 in class volunteers-HELLO!  Wait, I digress...

Be sure to stop by one (or both) 
of my fundraiser dance classes:

Sunday, May 26th 4:00pm-5:00pm
Friday, May 31st 7:30pm-8:30pm
(Grand Raffle Drawing 5/31)

@ Body Rock Fitness Studio
1025 Killian Hill Rd, Suite H
Lilburn, GA  30047

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pledge your support!

I have created a Signup Genius for those who wish to pledge your support.  On this website, you can pledge to purchase:
  • $2 Raffle Tickets (Drawing 5/31)
  • $10 Dance Class (Sunday 5/26 & Friday 5/31)
  • Cash Donations
Once you have made your pledge, I will contact you for the best time/method of delivery.

Sponsorship Levels:

Good Samaritan $5-$25 
Name on my thank you t-shirt & warm & fuzzy feeling

Helping Hand $25-$50 
Name on my thank you t-shirt & Postcard from Trinidad

Gold Star $50-100 
Name on my thank you t-shirt, Postcard from Trinidad, & Souvenir

Platinum Star $100+ 
Name on my thank you t-shirt, Postcard from Trinidad, Souvenir, & Post Institute Presentation (on flash drive).

Please note all supporters will have access to updates via 
and will be invited to a Post Institute Dance Class & Presentation, where gifts will be presented.  For out-of-state supporters, gifts will be mailed.

For information on the New Waves Summer Institute visit:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fundraising efforts must get kicked up a notch!

Hola Mi Gente! 

So I have received my letter of when the balance is due for the program-May 18th...AHHHHH 
heart palpatations!!! KEEP CALM! You can do this!   
It just means I need to kick fundraising up a notch!  

Today is the official launch of the 50/50 Raffle Sales! 

$2 each Raffle Ticket

A 50/50 Raffle allows one lucky supporter (could be you) to win 50% of the raffle sales and the other 50% of the sales goes towards my fundraising efforts. If I raise $500 in raffle sales, you win $250 & $250 goes toward my trip. Simple, right? Feeling lucky? All you need is $2 and a dream!

How many tickets would you like? Increase your odds...the more you purchase, the greater your odds.  If you would like to participate and you do not live near me, you can use PayPal (see DONATE button on the right).   I will send your ticket numbers and if you are the winning ticket, the jackpot will be mailed or wired to you.  The drawing will be held May 31st during my Dance Workshop.

Any questions?  Feel free to leave a comment or email me

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013


Thank you sooo much Ordia for your donation!  You are consistently one of my biggest supporters.  I really appreciate you chica! xoxo

Yahoo!!! Shenova got her hair braided and twisted by moi, donated to the cause, & watched Scandal at the same same time last nite!!! Sling that hair today FANCY!  :) xoxo

Thanks again ladies for your contributions!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I received my first donation yesterday! WOO HOO!!! 
Thank you Mr. L...oops...Anonymous :) 

Raffle sales will begin Friday, May 10th. Stay tuned for more details! Oh, and please take the survey listed on the Facebook page (look to the right of the screen & click the Facebook icon...the one w/ my picture on it).Question: What is your preferred method of donation? Cash, Cut-Up T-shirt, 50/50 Raffle, Dance Class/ another idea? List it!  Thanks :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Good News!

I am excited to announce that I have just been granted an opportunity to participate in the 2013 New Waves! Dance and Performance Institute to be held July 22nd through August 1st, 2013.  New Waves! 2013 offers master classes and workshops in contemporary dance, Caribbean dance, house, modern, contact improvisation, and repertory with an outstanding faculty of international dance artists.  It is distinguished by its programs being held in Trinidad and Tobago, to run concurrently with the Tobago Heritage Festival and Trinidad's Emancipation Day Festivities. The Institute is offering 3 days of intensive classes, workshops and unique experiences in Tobago as well as a week of classes and programs at the University of Trinidad and Tobago Academy for Performing Arts.    Participants take up to five classes a day and through informal dialogues and Institute programs, create community, build connections with other dance professionals, and experience the unique cultural landscape of Trinidad & Tobago.  Who can pass up this opportunity?

New Waves! 2013 will afford me the opportunity for professional development.  I have been accepted into the program as both a participant and an apprentice to international dance and performance artists.  I will admit that this program takes me out of my comfort zone by taking classes with technically trained dancers from all over the world.  However, the benefits of learning from and exchanging ideas with those who share the same love of the arts and culture surpass my reservations.  I will participate with a purpose; To develop the 2013-2014 curriculum for Mosaic Movement.   

I have already begun planning, researching and saving, but I will also need your help to take advantage of this opportunity.  To pay for my airfare, food, ground transportation, incidentals, and part of my program fee, I am looking to meet a fundraising goal of $2,500.  I realize you are asked on a daily basis to contribute to various causes on top of bills and everyday expenses, but you can make this opportunity a reality by contributing.  

Everyone needs a spark of creativity to make ordinary extraordinary.  This is my chance to reignite that spark.  Donations can be made in person, via internet, to my Paypal account ( or directly to the Summer Institute  (  Also, if you have frequent flyer miles that you wish to donate (American Airlines) that would be greatly appreciated.    Additionally, I will conduct dance workshops, 50/50 raffles, and collect cans in the near future as fundraisers.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and please check out the Institute's website more information:  Thank you for support and becoming a partner to the arts community.

Sponsorship Levels:

Good Samaritan $5-$25 
Name on my thank you t-shirt & warm & fuzzy feeling

Helping Hand $25-$50 
Name on my thank you t-shirt & Postcard from Trinidad

Gold Star $50-100 
Name on my thank you t-shirt, Postcard from Trinidad, & Souvenir

Platinum Star $100+ 
Name on my thank you t-shirt, Postcard from Trinidad, Souvenir, & Post Institute Presentation (on flash drive).

Please note all supporters will have access to updates via 
and will be invited to a Post Institute Dance Class & Presentation, where gifts will be presented.  For out-of-state supporters, gifts will be mailed.